Mining, Resettlement and Lost Livelihoods: Listening to the Voices of Resettled Communities in Mualadzi, Mozambique
Involuntary resettlement is a deeply complex and disruptive process, with potential to place vulnerable populations at great risk. This report presents experiences of involuntary resettlement from the perspective of individuals, households and groups who are recovering from mining-induced displacement in Tete province, Mozambique. It describes the context within which mining and resettlement is taking place — a setting characterised by poverty, rapid economic growth, limited regulatory capacity and intense pressure on land availability. In this sense, the study situates a particular set of experiences within a broader historical, political and economic environment. Voices from the Mualadzi community highlight the precarious situation that project-affected people face and will continue to face in Mozambique unless major structural change occurs.
Lillywhite, S., Kemp, D. and Sturman, K. (2015) Mining, Resettlement and Lost Livelihoods: Listening to the Voices of Resettled Communities in Mualadzi, Mozambique. Melbourne: Oxfam.
International Coal Ventures Limited
Monitoring &/ Evaluation Report