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About this tool
This is a free online tool designed to provide users with a high-level impression of risk severity for mining induced displacement and resettlement (MIDR) events based on an index that calculates different combinations of project elements and factors.
The purpose of the tool is to assist users in developing a rapid desktop understanding of how different factors in different project settings can contribute to risk and complexity in resettlement projects. The tool does not replace the need for due diligence or specialist advice in the design, planning and implementation of resettlement projects.
Scores are weighted based on known risk attributes. For example:
- developing countries with low human development index rankings, conflict or prolonged challenges with governance will register a higher risk score than a developed country with established systems of governance and high human development index rankings.
- Resettlement projects effected later in the project cycle will generally achieve a higher risk score than those projects that are planned and implemented in the earlier phases of project life.
- Projects displacing fewer number of people, and in fewer settlements, will receive a lower score than those displacing a greater number of people in a greater number of settlements.
Scores accumulate based on the presence of known risk elements. In short, the greater the number of risk elements, the higher the score.
The final risk score is presented on a gauge as a percentage. The percentage represents the total accumulated score against the maximum possible risk score on this index. On this basis, a score of 30% should be regarded as significant because it means that the project profile has generated 1/3 of the available risk points. 50% and above should be considered as high risk, 80% and above as extremely high risk.
The tool is designed to assist users in identifying major risk areas in the early planning stages rather than performance evaluation for projects that are already in train or are considered complete. For projects that have commenced or are in the later stages of implementation, the tool can be used retrospectively as a means for comparing perceived planning risks across different projects.
At this stage the tool is only a prototype. Improvements will be made progressively based on user experience and feedback.